Tuesday 24 April 2012

Traditional Naga House

Traditional Naga Type House

Report Date
Housing Type
Timber Building
Housing Sub-Type
Timber Building : Walls with bamboo/reed mesh and post (Wattle and Daub)
Amir Ali Khan
Gayatri Kharel, Andrew W. Charleson

This encyclopedia contains information contributed by various earthquake engineering professionals around the world. All opinions, findings, conclusions & recommendations expressed herein are those of the various participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the International Association for Earthquake Engineering, the Engineering Information Foundation, John A. Martin & Associates, Inc. or the participants' organizations.


The housing type is most common throughout the Northeast India which lies in the most severe seismic zone of the country (Zone V - corresponding to MSK IX). Majority of this type of houses are used for residential purposes. Typically these houses are built with light weight locally available material like bamboo, wooden planks, thatch etc. These housing types have traditional system of bamboo/wooden posts. Bamboo posts are inserted into the ground to act as compression members and are tied with horizontal bamboo/wooden girders with the help of bamboo ropes (cane) to give a proper shape and framing action. However, there is no protection of bamboo/wooden posts against decaying/termites or any other natural cause. The performance of these houses during the past earthquakes is unknown. However, during the discussions with local people about the performance of these houses in the past major earthquakes, it was noted that the majority of houses survived.

1. General Information

Buildings of this construction type can be found in northeastern parts of India covering the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The different tribes of these states have unique life-styles and habitats. However, their housing type falls within this category with slight changes in their appearance attributed to individual tribal identities. At national level about 11.4% of hosing stock consists of this type of houses (Vulnerability Atlas of India, 2006). In this category of houses the wall material comprises bamboo, thatch and grass etc. with a light weight roof of similar material but also mud, plastic, polythene, GI metal, and asbestos sheet. This type of housing construction is commonly found in both rural and urban areas.

Although more confined to rural areas a significant percentage of this type of housing is also found in towns of the region. However, in the last two decades a decrease of these traditional houses in urban areas of the region has occurred

This construction type has been in practice for more than 200 years.

Currently, this type of construction is being built
. Very limited numbers of houses are in urban areas (towns).

This encyclopedia contains information contributed by various earthquake engineering professionals around the world. All opinions, findings, conclusions & recommendations expressed herein are those of the various participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the International Association for Earthquake Engineering, the Engineering Information Foundation, John A. Martin & Associates, Inc. or the participants' organizations.

The housing type is most common throughout the Northeast India which lies in the most severe seismic zone of the country (Zone V - corresponding to MSK IX). Majority of this type of houses are used for residential purposes. Typically these houses are built with light weight locally available material like bamboo, wooden planks, thatch etc. These housing types have traditional system of bamboo/wooden posts. Bamboo posts are inserted into the ground to act as compression members and are tied with horizontal bamboo/wooden girders with the help of bamboo ropes (cane) to give a proper shape and framing action. However, there is no protection of bamboo/wooden posts against decaying/termites or any other natural cause. The performance of these houses during the past earthquakes is unknown. However, during the discussions with local people about the performance of these houses in the past major earthquakes, it was noted that the majority of houses survived.
1. General Information
Buildings of this construction type can be found in northeastern parts of India covering the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. The different tribes of these states have unique life-styles and habitats. However, their housing type falls within this category with slight changes in their appearance attributed to individual tribal identities. At national level about 11.4% of hosing stock consists of this type of houses (Vulnerability Atlas of India, 2006). In this category of houses the wall material comprises bamboo, thatch and grass etc. with a light weight roof of similar material but also mud, plastic, polythene, GI metal, and asbestos sheet. This type of housing construction is commonly found in both rural and urban areas.

Although more confined to rural areas a significant percentage of this type of housing is also found in towns of the region. However, in the last two decades a decrease of these traditional houses in urban areas of the region has occurred

This construction type has been in practice for more than 200 years.

Currently, this type of construction is being built
. Very limited numbers of houses are in urban areas (towns).

Typical house in this category (click on figures to enlarge)

Typical master room

Loft above the hearth - is used to dry the firewood and to store utensils etc.

Heat from the hearth is used to dry the fire wood.
2. Architectural Aspects
2.1 Siting
These buildings are typically found in flat, sloped and hilly terrain. They share common walls with adjacent buildings. When separated from adjacent buildings, the typical distance from a neighboring building is 3-4 (minimum) meters.

2.2 Building Configuration

Most of these buildings are rectangular in shape. A few tribes build in circular shapes as well. This housing type has very limited openings. There is only one entrance. Some of the tribes have a rear or side exit as well in their houses. Generally, there is no window and there is no provision for ventilation, making the house very dark inside. A typical house has about 2-5% openings in the surface area of its walls. The kitchen of the house is in one of the inner rooms.

2.3 Functional Planning

The main function of this building typology is single-family house. At times joint families also live together in these houses. In a typical building of this type, there are no elevators and no fire-protected exit staircases. These single storey houses have just one door. Some times a door in the rear or sidewall is also provided, however, escaping during an earthquake or fire does not seem to be a problem.

2.4 Modification to Building

In recent times some changes are taking place in term of 1. Provision of back courtyards 2. Roofing material changing from thatch to corrugated galvanized Iron (CGI) sheets.

Plan of typical Naga House
3. Structural Details
3.1 Structural System
Type of Load-Bearing Structure
Most appropriate type
Stone Masonry
Rubble stone (field stone) in mud/lime
mortar or without mortar (usually with
timber roof)
Dressed stone masonry (in
lime/cement mortar)
Adobe/ Earthen Walls
Mud walls
Mud walls with horizontal wood elements
Adobe block walls
Rammed earth/Pise construction
Unreinforced masonry
Brick masonry in mud/lime
Brick masonry in mud/lime
mortar with vertical posts
Brick masonry in lime/cement
Concrete block masonry in
cement mortar
Confined masonry
Clay brick/tile masonry, with
wooden posts and beams
Clay brick masonry, with
concrete posts/tie columns
and beams
Concrete blocks, tie columns
and beams
Reinforced masonry
Stone masonry in cement
Clay brick masonry in cement
Concrete block masonry in
cement mortar
Structural concrete
Moment resisting
Flat slab structure
Designed for gravity loads
only, with URM infill walls
Designed for seismic effects,
with URM infill walls
Designed for seismic effects,
with structural infill walls
Dual system – Frame with
shear wall
Structural wall
Moment frame with in-situ
shear walls
Moment frame with precast
shear walls
Precast concrete
Moment frame
Prestressed moment frame
with shear walls
Large panel precast walls
Shear wall structure with
walls cast-in-situ
Shear wall structure with
precast wall panel structure
With brick masonry partitions
With cast in-situ concrete
With lightweight partitions
Braced frame
Concentric connections in all
Eccentric connections in a
few panels
Structural wall
Bolted plate
Welded plate
Load-bearing timber
Walls with bamboo/reed mesh
and post (Wattle and Daub)
Masonry with horizontal
beams/planks at intermediate
Post and beam frame (no
special connections)
Wood frame (with special
Stud-wall frame with
plywood/gypsum board
Wooden panel walls
Seismic protection systems
Building protected with base-isolation systems
Building protected with
seismic dampers
Hybrid systems
other (described below)

Generally these are very light weight structures.

3.2 Gravity Load-Resisting System

The vertical load-resisting system is timber frame. Structure provides a continuous load path. Load is transferred through wooden/bamboo beams and columns/ posts embedded into the ground.

3.3 Lateral Load-Resisting System

The lateral load-resisting system is timber frame. Roof truss/bracing; long wooden pieces / bamboo are used as beams and compression members. They are tied well with the help of bamboo rope/cane. Lateral forces are resisted by cantilever action of the embedded posts and the bracing effect of diagonal bracing members where they are provided.

3.4 Building Dimensions

The typical plan dimensions of these buildings are: lengths between 10 and 15 meters, and widths between 4 and 5 meters. The building is 1 storey high. The typical span of the roofing/flooring system is 4-5 meters. The typical storey height in such buildings is 3-4 meters. The typical structural wall density is none. Bracing is not achieved by walls but by the timber posts and diagonal timber bracing where provided.

3.5 Floor and Roof System
Description of floor/roof system
Most appropriate floor
Most appropriate roof
Composite system of concrete joists and
masonry panels
Structural concrete
Solid slabs (cast-in-place)
Waffle slabs (cast-in-place)
Flat slabs (cast-in-place)
Precast joist system
Hollow core slab (precast)
Solid slabs (precast)
Beams and planks (precast) with concrete
topping (cast-in-situ)
Slabs (post-tensioned)
Composite steel deck with concrete slab
Rammed earth with ballast and concrete or
plaster finishing
Wood planks or beams with ballast and concrete or plaster finishing
Thatched roof supported on wood purlins
Wood shingle roof
Wood planks or beams that support clay tiles
Wood planks or beams supporting natural
stones slates
Wood planks or beams that support slate,
metal, asbestos-cement or plastic corrugated
sheets or tiles
Wood plank, plywood or manufactured wood
panels on joists supported by beams or walls
Described below

There is no suspended flooring. Ground floor is simple earthen floor with mud plaster in some cases. At times the floor of the house is raised slightly. This safeguards against flooding and dampness during the rainy season. Bamboo matting is used to cover the mud floors.

3.6 Foundation
Most appropriate type
Shallow foundation
Wall or column embedded in
soil, without footing
Rubble stone, fieldstone
isolated footing
Rubble stone, fieldstone strip
Reinforced-concrete isolated
Reinforced-concrete strip
Mat foundation
No foundation
Deep foundation
Reinforced-concrete bearing
Reinforced-concrete skin
friction piles
Steel bearing piles
Steel skin friction piles
Wood piles
Cast-in-place concrete piers
Described below

Bamboo posts are inserted into the ground. Generally, the depth is 1 meter.

Timber posts are embedded directly into the ground (Click on figures to enlarge)

Flooring system used in the housing type

Understructure used in this type of house

Connection details in the roof understructure

Flooring System Used
4. Socio-Economic Aspects
4.1 Number of Housing Units and Inhabitants
Each building typically has 1 housing unit(s). The number of inhabitants in a building during the day or business hours is less than 5. The number of inhabitants during the evening and night is 5-10.

4.2 Patterns of Occupancy

Most of the family members go to work during daytime. Those that stay back at home finish household chores outside the house in the sun. Adult children in every family sleep (at night) at a community hostel/ dormitory made for this purpose.

4.3 Economic Level of Inhabitants
Income class
Most appropriate type
a) very low-income class (very poor)
b) low-income class (poor)
c) middle-income class
d) high-income class (rich)

A middle-income family in the village earns in the range of about Rs. 30,000 to 40,000 annually. However, it is very difficult to calculate the actual income of a household. Every household possesses other means of income with cattle, harvesting of paddy etc.
Ratio of housing unit price to annual income
Most appropriate type
5:1 or worse
1:1 or better

What is a typical source of
financing for buildings of this
Most appropriate type
Owner financed
Personal savings
Informal network: friends and
Small lending institutions / micro-
finance institutions
Commercial banks/mortgages
Investment pools
Government-owned housing
Combination (explain below)
other (explain below)

It is community-based house construction. Construction materials like bamboo, thatch etc. are collected by the individual from relatives and friends and from the jungle. The construction of the house involves community participation. In each housing unit, there are no bathroom(s) without toilet(s), no toilet(s) only and no bathroom(s) including toilet(s).

Very few people have in-house toilets and bathrooms.

4.4 Ownership

The type of ownership or occupancy is outright ownership.
Type of ownership or
Most appropriate type
outright ownership
Ownership with debt (mortgage
or other)
Individual ownership
Ownership by a group or pool of
Long-term lease
other (explain below)
Land for construction of house belongs to the village/community. Entire land is divided into community and individual spaces, where individuals can build/construct their house.
5. Seismic Vulnerability
5.1 Structural and Architectural Features
Most appropriate type
Lateral load path
The structure contains a complete load path for seismic
force effects from any horizontal direction that serves
to transfer inertial forces from the building to the
The building is regular with regards to both the plan
and the elevation.
Roof construction
The roof diaphragm is considered to be rigid and it is
expected that the roof structure will maintain its
integrity, i.e. shape and form, during an earthquake of
intensity expected in this area.
Floor construction
The floor diaphragm(s) are considered to be rigid and it
is expected that the floor structure(s) will maintain its
integrity during an earthquake of intensity expected in
this area.
There is no evidence of excessive foundation movement
(e.g. settlement) that would affect the integrity or
performance of the structure in an earthquake.
Wall and frame
The number of lines of walls or frames in each principal
direction is greater than or equal to 2.
Wall proportions
Height-to-thickness ratio of the shear walls at each floor level is:

Less than 25 (concrete walls);

Less than 30 (reinforced masonry walls);

Less than 13 (unreinforced masonry walls);
Vertical load-bearing elements (columns, walls)
are attached to the foundations; concrete
columns and walls are doweled into the
Exterior walls are anchored for out-of-plane seismic
effects at each diaphragm level with metal anchors or
Wall openings
The total width of door and window openings in a wall

For brick masonry construction in cement mortar : less
than ½ of the distance between the adjacent cross

For adobe masonry, stone masonry and brick masonry
in mud mortar: less than 1/3 of the distance between
the adjacent cross

For precast concrete wall structures: less than 3/4 of
the length of a perimeter wall.
Quality of building materials
Quality of building materials is considered to be
adequate per the requirements of national codes and
standards (an estimate).
Quality of workmanship
Quality of workmanship (based on visual inspection of
few typical buildings) is considered to be good (per
local construction standards).
Buildings of this type are generally well maintained and there
are no visible signs of deterioration of building
elements (concrete, steel, timber)

5.2 Seismic Features
Structural Element
Seismic Deficiency
Earthquake Resilient Features
Earthquake Damage Patterns
Very light material - bamboo mat covered with mud plaster
Frame (columns, beams)
No foundation for columns Rope used for the connections between timber members may fail
Proper load transfer path available where there are diagonal bracing members within the wall framing. Joints made of rope (cane)
No serious damage is reported in such houses in the recent past
Roof and floors
Light weight material is used to cover the roof framing No suspended flooring
Proper frame when bracing elements are provided to resist lateral forces
Wooden platforms which may hang from the roof frame is undesirable The house is not fire-resistant

- The tradition in the region is to have a kitchen, with a hearth, in the middle of the master room of the house. This room is always pitch dark due to accumulation of smoke. Over the hearth, a bamboo/wooden platform is suspended for drying and storage of meat, vegetables, grains, fire wood, tools etc. The lowest portion of the loft is used for storing firewood for immediate use; the middle portion is used to store meat and grains to be dried and seasoned, while the top portion is used for storing other daily-use items. The hearth is a prominent feature of the living space/ house as it provides necessary light and heat to the inhabitants. The hearth remains lit continuously. - A local tradition is to hang different items like meat, grains, dried vegetables etc. from the roof frame. - The hanging platform and other items put additional weight on the roof. During an earthquake this may lead to collapse of the house. - Traditionally, wooden poles with notches are used to provide necessary support. In the case of bamboo, appropriate slits are made to provide sufficient support.

5.3 Overall Seismic Vulnerability Rating

The overall rating of the seismic vulnerability of the housing type is D: MEDIUM-LOW VULNERABILITY (i.e., good seismic performance), the lower bound (i.e., the worst possible) is B: MEDIUM-HIGH VULNERABILITY (i.e., poor seismic performance), and the upper bound (i.e., the best possible) is E: LOW VULNERABILITY (i.e., very good seismic performance).
very low
very poor
very good

5.4 History of Past Earthquakes
Epicenter, region
Max. Intensity

The entire northeastern region of India is highly prone to earthquakes. This region lies under zone V, corresponding to MSK IX+, according to the seismic hazard map of India (IS:1893-2002). A large number of earthquakes have taken place in the region, including the two M8+ earthquakes in 1950 &1897. During the discussions with the local people it was learned that there was no damage to this type of structure during past earthquakes
6. Construction
6.1 Building Materials
Structural element
Building material
Characteristic strength
Mix proportions/dimensions
Bamboo, Wooden logs, bamboo mat
Bamboo wall matting is mud-plastered for durability
No foundation. Poles are just embedded in the ground.
Frames (beams & columns)
Wooden logs/bamboo
Roof and floor(s)
Bamboo roof framing with thatch
No suspended floor

6.2 Builder


6.3 Construction Process, Problems and Phasing

Construction of this type of house generally takes place in the dry season / winters. Sourcing of construction materials like thatch/timber/bamboo are collected during winters only. Bamboo/wooden posts are erected and then beams/logs are connected and rafters placed and tied up. The wider community participates in the construction of this type of house. Indigenous/traditional tools are used in the construction. Generally nails or other steel materials are not used for making connections between various members. The construction of this type of housing takes place in a single phase. Typically, the building is originally not designed for its final constructed size.

6.4 Design and Construction Expertise

The entire construction takes place under the master builder who has slightly more expertise in comparison to others in the village. This man has expertise in erecting wooden frames/trusses. He develops his expertise by assisting in the construction of a large number of houses. Over a period of time, due to his experience, he starts working as a master builder. No role is played by professionals such as architects/engineers.

6.5 Building Codes and Standards

This construction type is addressed by the codes/standards of the country. National Building Code of India Other codes are referred to in the National Building Code of India Part 6 (Structural Design; Section 3) Timber and Bamboo; 3B Bamboo are as following: IS 6874:1973 -Methods of test of round bamboo IS 8242:1976 - Methods of test of split bamboo IS 9096:1979 - Code of practice for preservation of bamboo for structural purposes IS 13958:1994 - Specification for bamboo mat board for general purposes.

There is no strict enforcement of building codes in the construction of this house type

6.6 Building Permits and Development Control Rules

This type of construction is a non-engineered, and authorized as per development control rules. Building permits are not required to build this housing type.

6.7 Building Maintenance

Typically, the building of this housing type is maintained by Owner(s). The maintenance of this type of house is done in phases in terms of replacing the thin layered mud plaster on the walls every 2-3 years, replacing of walling mat every 4-5 years and replacing the roofing thatch every 5-6 years. Roof and wall material are generally replaced 3-4 times during the life span of the structure. The floor mud plastering is done every week.

6.8 Construction Economics

The unit cost varies from owner to owner. Usually it ranges between Rs. 600-700 (US$ 15-20) per square meter. During the construction of the house, 20-25 people from the village/community come and help the owner in the construction process. Usually, they finish the task by the evening. If some work is leftover, few of them return the next day and finish it. The owner of the house serves food to the members of the community. There is no system of paying the wages for the labour.
7. Insurance
Earthquake insurance for this construction type is typically unavailable. For seismically strengthened existing buildings or new buildings incorporating seismically resilient features, an insurance premium discount or more complete coverage is unavailable. NA.
8. Strengthening

8.1 Description of Seismic Strengthening Provisions

Strengthening of Existing Construction :
Seismic Deficiency
Description of Seismic Strengthening provisions used
Insufficient wall bracing
Corner stiffening through diagonal bamboo bracing members
Hanging storage loft
Instead convert it into a self-supported platform
Hanging items for storage purposes
Provide storage on a wooden platform supported by its own posts
Fire Resistance
Use fire retardents and increase general awareness

Strengthening of New Construction :
Seismic Deficiency
Description of Seismic Strengthening provisions used
Insufficient wall bracing
Corner stiffening through bamboo bracing
Embed posts into a proper concrete foundation
Post earthquake Fire
Improve fire resistance of the materials/ use of cgi sheets for roofing purpose
Use of cane for joints
Use nails to achieve stronger joints
Hanging storage loft
Provision of a proper platform that is braced over the hearth
Decaying of bamboo at ground level
Proper treatment against rodents and moisture

8.2 Seismic Strengthening Adopted

Has seismic strengthening described in the above table been performed in design and construction practice, and if so, to what extent?

Was the work done as a mitigation effort on an undamaged building, or as repair following an earthquake?

8.3 Construction and Performance of Seismic Strengthening

Was the construction inspected in the same manner as the new construction?

Who performed the construction seismic retrofit measures: a contractor, or owner/user? Was an architect or engineer involved?

What was the performance of retrofitted buildings of this type in subsequent earthquakes?
  1. Vulnerability Atlas of India
    A.S. Arya et. al.
    BMTPC 2006
  2. National Building Code of India
    Bureau of Indian Standard 2005
1.         Amir Ali Khan
Assistant Professor, Geo Hazard Group, National Institute of Disaster Management
5B Indra Prastha Eatate, IIPA Campus, Ring Road, New Delhi 110002, INDIA
Email:alikhanamir@gmail.com FAX: (91-11) 23702446/42
  1. Gayatri Kharel
    Kalimpong 734301, INDIA
  2. Andrew W. Charleson
    Associate Professor
    School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington
    Wellington 6001, NEW ZEALAND

Typical house in this category (click on figures to enlarge)

Typical master room

Loft above the hearth - is used to dry the firewood and to store utensils etc.

Heat from the hearth is used to dry the fire wood.

2. Architectural Aspects

2.1 Siting
These buildings are typically found in flat, sloped and hilly terrain. They share common walls with adjacent buildings. When separated from adjacent buildings, the typical distance from a neighboring building is 3-4 (minimum) meters.

2.2 Building Configuration

Most of these buildings are rectangular in shape. A few tribes build in circular shapes as well. This housing type has very limited openings. There is only one entrance. Some of the tribes have a rear or side exit as well in their houses. Generally, there is no window and there is no provision for ventilation, making the house very dark inside. A typical house has about 2-5% openings in the surface area of its walls. The kitchen of the house is in one of the inner rooms.

2.3 Functional Planning

The main function of this building typology is single-family house. At times joint families also live together in these houses. In a typical building of this type, there are no elevators and no fire-protected exit staircases. These single storey houses have just one door. Some times a door in the rear or sidewall is also provided, however, escaping during an earthquake or fire does not seem to be a problem.

2.4 Modification to Building

In recent times some changes are taking place in term of 1. Provision of back courtyards 2. Roofing material changing from thatch to corrugated galvanized Iron (CGI) sheets.

Plan of typical Naga House

3. Structural Details

3.1 Structural System

Type of Load-Bearing Structure
Most appropriate type
Stone Masonry
Rubble stone (field stone) in mud/lime
mortar or without mortar (usually with
timber roof)
Dressed stone masonry (in
lime/cement mortar)
Adobe/ Earthen Walls
Mud walls
Mud walls with horizontal wood elements
Adobe block walls
Rammed earth/Pise construction
Unreinforced masonry
Brick masonry in mud/lime
Brick masonry in mud/lime
mortar with vertical posts
Brick masonry in lime/cement
Concrete block masonry in
cement mortar
Confined masonry
Clay brick/tile masonry, with
wooden posts and beams
Clay brick masonry, with
concrete posts/tie columns
and beams
Concrete blocks, tie columns
and beams
Reinforced masonry
Stone masonry in cement
Clay brick masonry in cement
Concrete block masonry in
cement mortar
Structural concrete
Moment resisting
Flat slab structure
Designed for gravity loads
only, with URM infill walls
Designed for seismic effects,
with URM infill walls
Designed for seismic effects,
with structural infill walls
Dual system – Frame with
shear wall
Structural wall
Moment frame with in-situ
shear walls
Moment frame with precast
shear walls
Precast concrete
Moment frame
Prestressed moment frame
with shear walls
Large panel precast walls
Shear wall structure with
walls cast-in-situ
Shear wall structure with
precast wall panel structure
With brick masonry partitions
With cast in-situ concrete
With lightweight partitions
Braced frame
Concentric connections in all
Eccentric connections in a
few panels
Structural wall
Bolted plate
Welded plate
Load-bearing timber
Walls with bamboo/reed mesh
and post (Wattle and Daub)
Masonry with horizontal
beams/planks at intermediate
Post and beam frame (no
special connections)
Wood frame (with special
Stud-wall frame with
plywood/gypsum board
Wooden panel walls
Seismic protection systems
Building protected with base-isolation systems
Building protected with
seismic dampers
Hybrid systems
other (described below)

Generally these are very light weight structures.

3.2 Gravity Load-Resisting System

The vertical load-resisting system is timber frame. Structure provides a continuous load path. Load is transferred through wooden/bamboo beams and columns/ posts embedded into the ground.

3.3 Lateral Load-Resisting System

The lateral load-resisting system is timber frame. Roof truss/bracing; long wooden pieces / bamboo are used as beams and compression members. They are tied well with the help of bamboo rope/cane. Lateral forces are resisted by cantilever action of the embedded posts and the bracing effect of diagonal bracing members where they are provided.

3.4 Building Dimensions

The typical plan dimensions of these buildings are: lengths between 10 and 15 meters, and widths between 4 and 5 meters. The building is 1 storey high. The typical span of the roofing/flooring system is 4-5 meters. The typical storey height in such buildings is 3-4 meters. The typical structural wall density is none. Bracing is not achieved by walls but by the timber posts and diagonal timber bracing where provided.

3.5 Floor and Roof System

Description of floor/roof system
Most appropriate floor
Most appropriate roof
Composite system of concrete joists and
masonry panels
Structural concrete
Solid slabs (cast-in-place)
Waffle slabs (cast-in-place)
Flat slabs (cast-in-place)
Precast joist system
Hollow core slab (precast)
Solid slabs (precast)
Beams and planks (precast) with concrete
topping (cast-in-situ)
Slabs (post-tensioned)
Composite steel deck with concrete slab
Rammed earth with ballast and concrete or
plaster finishing
Wood planks or beams with ballast and concrete or plaster finishing
Thatched roof supported on wood purlins
Wood shingle roof
Wood planks or beams that support clay tiles
Wood planks or beams supporting natural
stones slates
Wood planks or beams that support slate,
metal, asbestos-cement or plastic corrugated
sheets or tiles
Wood plank, plywood or manufactured wood
panels on joists supported by beams or walls
Described below

There is no suspended flooring. Ground floor is simple earthen floor with mud plaster in some cases. At times the floor of the house is raised slightly. This safeguards against flooding and dampness during the rainy season. Bamboo matting is used to cover the mud floors.

3.6 Foundation

Most appropriate type
Shallow foundation
Wall or column embedded in
soil, without footing
Rubble stone, fieldstone
isolated footing
Rubble stone, fieldstone strip
Reinforced-concrete isolated
Reinforced-concrete strip
Mat foundation
No foundation
Deep foundation
Reinforced-concrete bearing
Reinforced-concrete skin
friction piles
Steel bearing piles
Steel skin friction piles
Wood piles
Cast-in-place concrete piers
Described below

Bamboo posts are inserted into the ground. Generally, the depth is 1 meter.

Timber posts are embedded directly into the ground (Click on figures to enlarge)

Flooring system used in the housing type

Understructure used in this type of house

Connection details in the roof understructure

Flooring System Used

4. Socio-Economic Aspects

4.1 Number of Housing Units and Inhabitants
Each building typically has 1 housing unit(s). The number of inhabitants in a building during the day or business hours is less than 5. The number of inhabitants during the evening and night is 5-10.

4.2 Patterns of Occupancy

Most of the family members go to work during daytime. Those that stay back at home finish household chores outside the house in the sun. Adult children in every family sleep (at night) at a community hostel/ dormitory made for this purpose.

4.3 Economic Level of Inhabitants

Income class
Most appropriate type
a) very low-income class (very poor)
b) low-income class (poor)
c) middle-income class
d) high-income class (rich)

A middle-income family in the village earns in the range of about Rs. 30,000 to 40,000 annually. However, it is very difficult to calculate the actual income of a household. Every household possesses other means of income with cattle, harvesting of paddy etc.

Ratio of housing unit price to annual income
Most appropriate type
5:1 or worse
1:1 or better

What is a typical source of
financing for buildings of this
Most appropriate type
Owner financed
Personal savings
Informal network: friends and
Small lending institutions / micro-
finance institutions
Commercial banks/mortgages
Investment pools
Government-owned housing
Combination (explain below)
other (explain below)

It is community-based house construction. Construction materials like bamboo, thatch etc. are collected by the individual from relatives and friends and from the jungle. The construction of the house involves community participation. In each housing unit, there are no bathroom(s) without toilet(s), no toilet(s) only and no bathroom(s) including toilet(s).

Very few people have in-house toilets and bathrooms.

4.4 Ownership

The type of ownership or occupancy is outright ownership.

Type of ownership or
Most appropriate type
outright ownership
Ownership with debt (mortgage
or other)
Individual ownership
Ownership by a group or pool of
Long-term lease
other (explain below)

Land for construction of house belongs to the village/community. Entire land is divided into community and individual spaces, where individuals can build/construct their house.

5. Seismic Vulnerability

5.1 Structural and Architectural Features

Most appropriate type
Lateral load path
The structure contains a complete load path for seismic
force effects from any horizontal direction that serves
to transfer inertial forces from the building to the
The building is regular with regards to both the plan
and the elevation.
Roof construction
The roof diaphragm is considered to be rigid and it is
expected that the roof structure will maintain its
integrity, i.e. shape and form, during an earthquake of
intensity expected in this area.
Floor construction
The floor diaphragm(s) are considered to be rigid and it
is expected that the floor structure(s) will maintain its
integrity during an earthquake of intensity expected in
this area.
There is no evidence of excessive foundation movement
(e.g. settlement) that would affect the integrity or
performance of the structure in an earthquake.
Wall and frame
The number of lines of walls or frames in each principal
direction is greater than or equal to 2.
Wall proportions
Height-to-thickness ratio of the shear walls at each floor level is:

Less than 25 (concrete walls);

Less than 30 (reinforced masonry walls);

Less than 13 (unreinforced masonry walls);
Vertical load-bearing elements (columns, walls)
are attached to the foundations; concrete
columns and walls are doweled into the
Exterior walls are anchored for out-of-plane seismic
effects at each diaphragm level with metal anchors or
Wall openings
The total width of door and window openings in a wall

For brick masonry construction in cement mortar : less
than ½ of the distance between the adjacent cross

For adobe masonry, stone masonry and brick masonry
in mud mortar: less than 1/3 of the distance between
the adjacent cross

For precast concrete wall structures: less than 3/4 of
the length of a perimeter wall.
Quality of building materials
Quality of building materials is considered to be
adequate per the requirements of national codes and
standards (an estimate).
Quality of workmanship
Quality of workmanship (based on visual inspection of
few typical buildings) is considered to be good (per
local construction standards).
Buildings of this type are generally well maintained and there
are no visible signs of deterioration of building
elements (concrete, steel, timber)

5.2 Seismic Features

Structural Element
Seismic Deficiency
Earthquake Resilient Features
Earthquake Damage Patterns
Very light material - bamboo mat covered with mud plaster
Frame (columns, beams)
No foundation for columns Rope used for the connections between timber members may fail
Proper load transfer path available where there are diagonal bracing members within the wall framing. Joints made of rope (cane)
No serious damage is reported in such houses in the recent past
Roof and floors
Light weight material is used to cover the roof framing No suspended flooring
Proper frame when bracing elements are provided to resist lateral forces
Wooden platforms which may hang from the roof frame is undesirable The house is not fire-resistant

- The tradition in the region is to have a kitchen, with a hearth, in the middle of the master room of the house. This room is always pitch dark due to accumulation of smoke. Over the hearth, a bamboo/wooden platform is suspended for drying and storage of meat, vegetables, grains, fire wood, tools etc. The lowest portion of the loft is used for storing firewood for immediate use; the middle portion is used to store meat and grains to be dried and seasoned, while the top portion is used for storing other daily-use items. The hearth is a prominent feature of the living space/ house as it provides necessary light and heat to the inhabitants. The hearth remains lit continuously. - A local tradition is to hang different items like meat, grains, dried vegetables etc. from the roof frame. - The hanging platform and other items put additional weight on the roof. During an earthquake this may lead to collapse of the house. - Traditionally, wooden poles with notches are used to provide necessary support. In the case of bamboo, appropriate slits are made to provide sufficient support.

5.3 Overall Seismic Vulnerability Rating

The overall rating of the seismic vulnerability of the housing type is D: MEDIUM-LOW VULNERABILITY (i.e., good seismic performance), the lower bound (i.e., the worst possible) is B: MEDIUM-HIGH VULNERABILITY (i.e., poor seismic performance), and the upper bound (i.e., the best possible) is E: LOW VULNERABILITY (i.e., very good seismic performance).

very low
very poor
very good

5.4 History of Past Earthquakes

Epicenter, region
Max. Intensity

The entire northeastern region of India is highly prone to earthquakes. This region lies under zone V, corresponding to MSK IX+, according to the seismic hazard map of India (IS:1893-2002). A large number of earthquakes have taken place in the region, including the two M8+ earthquakes in 1950 &1897. During the discussions with the local people it was learned that there was no damage to this type of structure during past earthquakes

6. Construction

6.1 Building Materials

Structural element
Building material
Characteristic strength
Mix proportions/dimensions
Bamboo, Wooden logs, bamboo mat
Bamboo wall matting is mud-plastered for durability
No foundation. Poles are just embedded in the ground.
Frames (beams & columns)
Wooden logs/bamboo
Roof and floor(s)
Bamboo roof framing with thatch
No suspended floor

6.2 Builder


6.3 Construction Process, Problems and Phasing

Construction of this type of house generally takes place in the dry season / winters. Sourcing of construction materials like thatch/timber/bamboo are collected during winters only. Bamboo/wooden posts are erected and then beams/logs are connected and rafters placed and tied up. The wider community participates in the construction of this type of house. Indigenous/traditional tools are used in the construction. Generally nails or other steel materials are not used for making connections between various members. The construction of this type of housing takes place in a single phase. Typically, the building is originally not designed for its final constructed size.

6.4 Design and Construction Expertise

The entire construction takes place under the master builder who has slightly more expertise in comparison to others in the village. This man has expertise in erecting wooden frames/trusses. He develops his expertise by assisting in the construction of a large number of houses. Over a period of time, due to his experience, he starts working as a master builder. No role is played by professionals such as architects/engineers.

6.5 Building Codes and Standards

This construction type is addressed by the codes/standards of the country. National Building Code of India Other codes are referred to in the National Building Code of India Part 6 (Structural Design; Section 3) Timber and Bamboo; 3B Bamboo are as following: IS 6874:1973 -Methods of test of round bamboo IS 8242:1976 - Methods of test of split bamboo IS 9096:1979 - Code of practice for preservation of bamboo for structural purposes IS 13958:1994 - Specification for bamboo mat board for general purposes.

There is no strict enforcement of building codes in the construction of this house type.

6.6 Building Permits and Development Control Rules

This type of construction is a non-engineered, and authorized as per development control rules. Building permits are not required to build this housing type.

6.7 Building Maintenance

Typically, the building of this housing type is maintained by Owner(s). The maintenance of this type of house is done in phases in terms of replacing the thin layered mud plaster on the walls every 2-3 years, replacing of walling mat every 4-5 years and replacing the roofing thatch every 5-6 years. Roof and wall material are generally replaced 3-4 times during the life span of the structure. The floor mud plastering is done every week.

6.8 Construction Economics

The unit cost varies from owner to owner. Usually it ranges between Rs. 600-700 (US$ 15-20) per square meter. During the construction of the house, 20-25 people from the village/community come and help the owner in the construction process. Usually, they finish the task by the evening. If some work is leftover, few of them return the next day and finish it. The owner of the house serves food to the members of the community. There is no system of paying the wages for the labour.

7. Insurance

Earthquake insurance for this construction type is typically unavailable. For seismically strengthened existing buildings or new buildings incorporating seismically resilient features, an insurance premium discount or more complete coverage is unavailable. NA.

8. Strengthening

8.1 Description of Seismic Strengthening Provisions

Strengthening of Existing Construction :

Seismic Deficiency
Description of Seismic Strengthening provisions used
Insufficient wall bracing
Corner stiffening through diagonal bamboo bracing members
Hanging storage loft
Instead convert it into a self-supported platform
Hanging items for storage purposes
Provide storage on a wooden platform supported by its own posts
Fire Resistance
Use fire retardents and increase general awareness

Strengthening of New Construction :

Seismic Deficiency
Description of Seismic Strengthening provisions used
Insufficient wall bracing
Corner stiffening through bamboo bracing
Embed posts into a proper concrete foundation
Post earthquake Fire
Improve fire resistance of the materials/ use of cgi sheets for roofing purpose
Use of cane for joints
Use nails to achieve stronger joints
Hanging storage loft
Provision of a proper platform that is braced over the hearth
Decaying of bamboo at ground level
Proper treatment against rodents and moisture

8.2 Seismic Strengthening Adopted

Has seismic strengthening described in the above table been performed in design and construction practice, and if so, to what extent?

Was the work done as a mitigation effort on an undamaged building, or as repair following an earthquake?

8.3 Construction and Performance of Seismic Strengthening

Was the construction inspected in the same manner as the new construction?

Who performed the construction seismic retrofit measures: a contractor, or owner/user? Was an architect or engineer involved?

What was the performance of retrofitted buildings of this type in subsequent earthquakes?


  1. Vulnerability Atlas of India
    A.S. Arya et. al.
    BMTPC 2006
  2. National Building Code of India
    Bureau of Indian Standard 2005


1.         Amir Ali Khan
Assistant Professor, Geo Hazard Group, National Institute of Disaster Management
5B Indra Prastha Eatate, IIPA Campus, Ring Road, New Delhi 110002, INDIA
Email:alikhanamir@gmail.com FAX: (91-11) 23702446/42


  1. Gayatri Kharel
    Kalimpong 734301, INDIA
  2. Andrew W. Charleson
    Associate Professor
    School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington
    Wellington 6001, NEW ZEALAND